Positive Birth Stories

Reading other mum’s birth stories can be so very helpful when preparing for your own birth. What did they choose and why? How did they work with changes or problems? What worked and what did not? How did it affect the birth using Hypnobirthing skills? Most importantly though it allows you to see that birth can be a positive and life-affirming experience irrespective of the path that that birth took.

So, settle back, have a good read and enjoy.

Hayley’s positive birth of Adaline.
Melanie Bearne Melanie Bearne

Hayley’s positive birth of Adaline.

From now onwards, my surges were a lot more intense, with pretty much only 30seconds rest in between them! All I could do was breath the basic breath to get through them, and I found being on all fours was much much easier for the pain.

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Jami’s Positive Hypnobirth Of Charlotte.
Melanie Bearne Melanie Bearne

Jami’s Positive Hypnobirth Of Charlotte.

All of the education, practice, positive thinking, and hypnobirthing skills allowed me to have a birthing voice and to trust my body and my baby during the entire process.

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The Positive Hypnobirth of Margot…
Melanie Bearne Melanie Bearne

The Positive Hypnobirth of Margot…

I felt myself go inward and between contractions I couldn’t tell you were I was but I was relaxed and almost asleep. 50minutes later my husband is telling me we have a baby girl.

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Tamsin’s joyous birth using hypnobirthing techniques.
Melanie Bearne Melanie Bearne

Tamsin’s joyous birth using hypnobirthing techniques.

We just wanted to let you know that last night I gave birth to our second little girl, Tamsin, at Chelsea & Westminster.

The birth couldn't have been better - I needed to be monitored so we were on the ward rather than birth center - but we had practised all you had taught us and I used all the visualisations and plugged myself into the tracks that I'd downloaded onto my phone. I listened to these for hours with George giving brilliant support when needed. My waters broke at about 8:30pm and they needed to transfer me downstairs. Despite it being a chaotic time in the middle of a shift change, we kept calm, I buried my head in a load of pillows and shut my eyes, concentrating on the tracks on my phone helping me breathe through each surge as the midwives wheeled us in the nick of time to the labour ward.

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Nicola’s first birth.
Melanie Bearne Melanie Bearne

Nicola’s first birth.

I wanted to let you know our amazing news - our little angel arrived 8 days early on Sunday evening at 10.20pm.

I wanted to share our story as I know you love to hear them and also in case you want to share with other couples.

On Thursday and Friday nights last week whilst in bed I felt what I can only describe as a ‘burrowing’ feeling and I felt like the baby was trying to move down. I had only had my 38 week check 3 days earlier when I was told that his head was down but no fully engaged (I was fine with that as still had near enough 2 weeks to my ‘due’ date). I started to feel slightly uncomfortable towards that end of the week and I had a “conversation” with the baby on the Saturday and told him that I was ready to meet him when he was ready too.

Sure enough on Sunday morning when I got up to make a cup of tea, my waters broke. I called St George’s as was advised if waters break to let them know.

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Niamh’s physiological, speedy birth.
Melanie Bearne Melanie Bearne

Niamh’s physiological, speedy birth.

Olly and I wanted to send you a note to thank you so much and say how wonderfully helpful we found your course. It was the first baby related course we did and didn’t realise it at the time but it was head and shoulders above anything else we would do (NCT, hospital courses etc). We completely loved the positive mindset attitude and the whole hypnobirthing ethos, and we practiced!

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Katie’s healing and swift second birth.
Melanie Bearne Melanie Bearne

Katie’s healing and swift second birth.

Honestly we can't thank you enough for your help and teaching - as you may remember my first birthing experience was endlessly medicalised - induction, labouring in a 4-bedded bay, giving birth on my back under bright lights.

This time round everything was different, and a lot of that was thanks to hypnobirthing. I knew my birth would be fast, so as soon as the surges started we headed to the midwife-led unit. Thanks to the visualisations and the sense of empowerment they gave us, there was no panic, no sense of impending doom. Max got our stuff ready and organised transport, while I headed into the dimly lit living room and surged in peace. Once we were at the hospital the calm continued.

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