Positive Birth Stories

Reading other mum’s birth stories can be so very helpful when preparing for your own birth. What did they choose and why? How did they work with changes or problems? What worked and what did not? How did it affect the birth using Hypnobirthing skills? Most importantly though it allows you to see that birth can be a positive and life-affirming experience irrespective of the path that that birth took.

So, settle back, have a good read and enjoy.

Shachar’s Birth Centre Birth
Melanie Bearne Melanie Bearne

Shachar’s Birth Centre Birth

After a few seconds I felt something overcome me, I can’t really explain what it was, but it was supposedly this powerful surge and the next thing I heard was: “There’s the head”. My body literally pushed the entire head out with one surge without me having to do anything!

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An unmedicated homebirth using hypnobirthing.
Melanie Bearne Melanie Bearne

An unmedicated homebirth using hypnobirthing.

Because having an unmedicated homebirth was so important to me. I realize that to some that sounds like the worst thing ever. But it was important to me to be IN my body so I could feel and experience everything.

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Zoe's birth of Isabelle - The Comfort of spending as much time labouring at home as possible.
Melanie Bearne Melanie Bearne

Zoe's birth of Isabelle - The Comfort of spending as much time labouring at home as possible.

After having period like pain on and off since the previous Saturday 16th and increased Braxton Hicks contractions, real surges started around 10pm on Sunday night. I was in bed and tried to carry on sleeping to get some rest. By 1am surges were too strong and I had to move around. Scott joined me in the lounge and I started using a tens machine.

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Delphine’s second birth — how to heal a traumatic birth.
Melanie Bearne Melanie Bearne

Delphine’s second birth — how to heal a traumatic birth.

I wanted to let you know that I gave birth to our little girl, Leïla, on the 7th of June! Thank you so much for the hypnobirthing class... we had an amazing experience.

I have to admit that I was not completely convinced of the "hypnobirthing power", especially after the birth of my son, which was a bit traumatic, 18 months ago... I was really wondering how I could keep control during painful surges. I listened to the MP3’s nearly every night since the class in February, but I did not finish reading the book and I felt that I did not practice the breathing and visualisation exercises enough...

The labour started on the 6th of June around 10pm, and the first surges were quite intense. I was a bit worried about our toddler as I wanted to ensure that our friends could come home before we had to go to the hospital, so I did not manage to focus on my breathing and visualisation at first... Once I knew they were on their way, I put down all the lights in our flat, lighted up a candle and started working on my breathing with the MP3’s you sent to us.

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Nicola’s first birth.
Melanie Bearne Melanie Bearne

Nicola’s first birth.

I wanted to let you know our amazing news - our little angel arrived 8 days early on Sunday evening at 10.20pm.

I wanted to share our story as I know you love to hear them and also in case you want to share with other couples.

On Thursday and Friday nights last week whilst in bed I felt what I can only describe as a ‘burrowing’ feeling and I felt like the baby was trying to move down. I had only had my 38 week check 3 days earlier when I was told that his head was down but no fully engaged (I was fine with that as still had near enough 2 weeks to my ‘due’ date). I started to feel slightly uncomfortable towards that end of the week and I had a “conversation” with the baby on the Saturday and told him that I was ready to meet him when he was ready too.

Sure enough on Sunday morning when I got up to make a cup of tea, my waters broke. I called St George’s as was advised if waters break to let them know.

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