Better Birth Stories

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A Redemptive Birth with a Positive Induction using Hypnobirthing.

I love Baylee’s birth story. She really shows that you have choice to shape your birth in the way you wish. That induction of labour can be a valid choice and can also be managed in a calm and confident way, leading to a positive birth experience.

Her birth story also shows the importance of antenatal learning and how hypnobirthing classes can really get you into the right mindset for your labour and birth.

I hope that those of you reading who need to move toward an induced birth will get much support from reading this birth story.

To preface this birth story, I’d like to explain that my first birth was completely hijacked by my own lack of preparation and knowledge. In one word, I would describe the experience as chaos. While I left that birth with great outcomes for me and my baby, emotionally I felt like I had been hit by a train. It was not the start to motherhood I had hoped for and with my second baby, I was determined to have a better experience. 

Hypnobirthing was recommended to me by a friend right after I announced my pregnancy 10 weeks. I found Melanie’s videos at Better Birth Stories and immediately purchased the course. I watched all the videos at least 3 times throughout my pregnancy. I downloaded the meditation tracks to my phone and listened to them in the bath and each night as I fell asleep. I found so much peace and strength in this course and the way of thinking provided by it. I had never considered the idea that relaxing and leaning into pain or discomfort (instead of letting fear run my mental show) could change my life. But it really did. Not only was my birth the polar opposite experience for me from my first, but I was better able to handle my constant ‘morning’ sickness, painful pelvic swelling, and even an injury I sustained while pregnant. Even now, 6 months after the birth of my beautiful girl, I still use the techniques I was taught to manage my anxiety, make decisions, and deal with sickness or pain. I still listen to the audio tracks to find calm and meditate. 

My pregnancy was uncomplicated aside from some unpleasant symptoms. I decided on induction at 39 weeks (emphasis on the point that I decided) because my first labor was a total of 4 hours long and my husband works out of cell phone service 3 hours away and we do not have relatives nearby. 

We said goodbye to our young son and checked into the hospital around 7pm, where I was started on a half dose of Cytotec. At this point I was dilated to 1cm and 50% effaced. I spoke with the anesthesiologist, telling him not to offer an epidural because my last had failed due to my scoliosis. He examined my back and told me that he was fairly certain he could successfully place an epidural as he specialized in patients with scoliosis. I told him I would let him know if I decided that I wanted one, based on the possibility that it might actually work this time! 

My husband and I spent the next 3 hours laughing, talking, watching TV, and bouncing on a ball through my contractions. I used the breathing technique taught by Melanie through the contractions as things started to pick up. I had prepared a playlist, verses of scripture for my husband to read, my hypnobirthing labor soundtrack, my favorite affirmations, and pain relief techniques. In the moment, I didn’t want to use any of that, only the breathing and visualization. I imagined the sun rising slowly and repeated small phrases in my head about opening and peace. I strongly recommend practicing the techniques and trying everything presented to you in the course many times before the big day. In the moment, I didn’t have to think over what tools I had. My body chose what it needed in that state.

I asked to be disconnected from the monitors and walk the halls. I had a few big contractions there, laughing with my husband, and the nurse wanted to check me. At 12:45am, I was 4 cm dilated. I decided to get the epidural at this point, though the contractions were not unmanageable, just amping up. At 1:50am the epidural was finally placed, after 30 minutes of sitting crosslegged, breathing, visualizing, and squeezing my husbands hand to try and stay still through the very intense contractions. 

It worked! I had 3 contractions that I could not feel. Then, out of nowhere, 2 contractions with EXTREME pressure but no pain. The epidural hadn’t fully kicked in but my baby was moving into the birth canal! As the medicine took full effect, I was checked at 2:05am and was 10cm and ready to push. At this point, I could feel manageable but intense pressure and I was still able to feel and move my legs. This was amazing compared to my first births epidural experience.

I had 2 contractions that pushed for me.

My doctor arrived, set up, and we laughed and talked during these few contractions. It was a very fun atmosphere.

A kind nurse pushed my legs into my hips to alleviate pressure as the baby crowned.

I pushed once and her head was out, pushed again and she was born at 2:14am! 

I felt so happy after she was born and not afraid. I was laughing and joking, chatting about baby with my husband and doctor.

I had no tearing and only very light bleeding. Baby Blair tolerated labor great and she was 7lbs 1 oz!

It was absolutely amazing to feel the labor with tolerable pain/sensation and participate and enjoy it laughing and spending time with my husband. I will always be grateful for my hypnobirth. It truly was redemptive and gave me tools I know I will use for the rest of my life. 

Want to learn hypnobirthing with us?

Don’t forget that we have a full Online Antenatal Hypnobirthing Class that you can follow in your own time anywhere around the world. It is only £39/$49.
The Online Hypnobirthing Course

We also teach antenatal hypnobirthing classes in London in person with our One Day Group Hypnobirthing Class.
In-person Antental Hypnobirthing Group Class

If you’d rather prepare for your labour and birth solo with Melanie you can do so in the privacy of your own home in person if you live in London or via the Zoom platform wherever you are around the globe.
Private Antenatal Hypnobirthing Classes