Hamish’s textbook birth.

Thank you for the hypnobirthing sessions! Hamish was born a week early on 26th June following an absolute textbook birth! I went into labour at 9am and we hypnobirthed at home until 7pm with no problems! Then went to hospital as the surges were 4 in 10 and when we got there I was fully dilated!!!! Had a water birth In the Carmen Suite and he came just before midnight! No stitches needed and the whole thing was just sooo amazing. We stayed over night in the Carmen Suite as no one was there! And left at 7am!

I put it entirely down to hypnobirthing and had such a positive experience so thank you so much! And now we have Hamish and are utterly delighted.

Thank you so much!!!

Want to learn hypnobirthing with us? Don’t forget that we have a full Online Antenatal Hypnobirthing Class that you can follow in your own time anywhere around the world. It is only £39/$49.
The Online Hypnobirthing Course

We also teach antenatal hypnobirthing classes in London in person with our One Day Group Hypnobirthing Class.
In-person Antental Hypnobirthing Group Class

If you’d rather prepare for your labour and birth solo with Melanie you can do so in the privacy of your own home in person if you live in London or via the Zoom platform wherever you are around the globe.
Private Antenatal Hypnobirthing Classes


Zoe's birth of Isabelle - The Comfort of spending as much time labouring at home as possible.


Rupert’s hypnobirth.